Honey Feast
Melaleuca Honey
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Basswood HoneyBasswood Honey_Melaleuca honey is made from the MelaleuBasswood Honey_ca trees located in the Florida everglades. Originally from Australia, this tea tree is related to the Manuka. Manuka honey and MelaleucBasswood Honey_a honey contain many of the same therapeutic phenolic acids and are very similar.
Melaleuca is well know for its topical properties. Try some as a honey face mask. Mix in some of our pollen granules for an exfoliant too. Bees love the nectar from these trees! Melaleuca has the taste of a medicinal honey and is very strong and odiferous.
Not far from our store is the Koreshan National Park and Koreshan Unity Settlement Historic District. The Melaleuca trees along Florida’s West coast have been attributed to plantings made by A.H. Andrews of the Koreshan Unity sect, which is true. "However, careful scrutiny of personal correspondence by the principals involved, early horticultural catalogs, and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) plant introduction records suggests that other importations contributed to the species’ invasion of Florida as well." 1
Honey Feast is a producer of small batch American honey in Florida and is comprised of beekeepers striving to find innovative ways to manage beehives naturally.
1) https://naldc.nal.usda.gov/download/12700/PDF
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